Despite the difficult situation we are facing due to the pandemic and the new work-from-home status we are still trying to get familiar with, Urban2020 team is glad to state that for our small association it has been a quite fruitful period. In fact, during the last months, Urban2020 has been actively involved in the design of different new project proposals in line with our development goals. Waiting for news about the projects’ approval, we provide here below some information.
CultEUR – Sustainable Cultural Tourism through Replicable Smart Heritage, Economic, Environmental and Accessibility Models
CultEUR has been proposed within the Horizon 2020 – Work Programme 2018-2020 “Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”. Its aim is to support cultural tourism in marginal regions by using the potential of local thought leaders supported by modern technologies, data analytics and visual insights, by creating a new model for cultural tourism ensuring economic and societal benefits while sustaining the environment. The approach proposed by CultEUR will be tested in a representative range of cases, composed by 18 cities, situated in a variety of different cultural-geographical regions. The principal role of Urban2020 association will be to guide the city of Brasov in the implementation of the project at local level and to lead the task of impact assessment of Cultural Tourism on Economic and Social Development.
GIS4SCHOOLS – Improving STEAM Education in Secondary Schools through the development and co-creation of new methodologies for teaching to and exploitation by pupils of GIS products related to climate impact on the environment
The Gis4Schools project is a strategic partnership in the field of School Education aimed at introducing new methodologies based on the use of GIS technologies applied to the impact of climate change on the environment in order to improve STEAM’s learning by pupils. Students will have the possibility to better understand and tackle the environmental and societal challenges, understanding and learning to analyse their local impacts. In this approach GIS is a precious enabling tool for the engagement of pupils in analysis related to their environment and community. Furthermore, the introduction of GIS tool inside their learning methodology will enrich their curriculum, improving their ability to integrate into the world of work at the end of their studies. Urban2020’s role will be to facilitate the integration of this tool in a High School situated in Bucharest and to follow the pupils in the path of approach to new environment-related urban issues.
ECOSERVICE – Ecosystem services Approach in School Education
The aim of ECOSERVICE project is to integrate the concept of “Ecosystem Services”, the benefits that humans freely gain from the natural environment and from properly functioning ecosystems, into High Schools curriculum in a holistic approach. The methodology is based firstly on the education of schoolteachers, which will learn the necessary skills and tools that will enable them to reach the final end-users, the students. Thus helping them develop significantly their science related knowledge and raise their awareness on the value of maintaining and enhancing ecosystem services as a means of improving life conditions in urban areas. Urban2020 will be the mean of replication of the project in Bucharest, accompanying the identified High School throughout the process.